A self-declared 'book-o-phlic'

Dear Reader-friends, 

You read the title right! I am a self-declared book-o-philic. It is absolutely true that books are the best friends, the best ever companions. I have realized this more than ever as I touched my 40s. Now, in my early 40s, I am so happy being a book rather than someone else, except my daughter. She is my reading partner 💕. 

While I read, the book too reads me. How many of you have felt the same?

It is already 6 months past the new year 2023 commenced. And if in retrospect, I am reading okay-ish while managing a job, looking after the daughter, giving tuition, and that too grade 12! This requires a lot of subject reading. My work too demands reading research papers...so all in all, there is a lot to read.

At this stage of my life, I feel intelligent and wise. I feel confident. And all that is by virtue of the books that I read in the past and reading in the present. A few months ago, I was so inspired that I downloaded Audible. On my way to and fro from work, I was always listening with the earplugs plugged in, which was really nice. I was sure that I was adding too much value to my day. But then a few days later I felt zapped...as if all my energy has been sucked. The reason could be the choice of books that I was reading and listening to. All intense topics like global warming, science and technology, and Brian Tracy stuff. I was consuming so much content and was not processing it. The end result was I uninstalled Audible. I started enjoying my quiet walks and thoughts. I started flipping the pages of my books in the night. That's when I was reassured that holding a book, flipping the rustling pages, the smell of the book is just so magical. It is therapeutic. 

Letter after letter, word by word, sentence after sentence, the magic unfolds as you turn the pages. 

Very recently I discovered that I enjoy the non-fiction genre as well, a sign of maturity (probably). My Amazon cart and wish list are only about books. 

This blog is an effort to digitally ink my feelings, and if anyone reads and resonates, that is wonderful!

Signing off!

